I swear... I'm going to somehow record the feedback I get from Ms. S. It's gotten to the point that I just...stand there and listen to her go on about my work in ways I've never quite heard before, and it seems so surreal I can't respond. I'm a little weary already of just talking about it - almost as if what I'm typing is a sick, old lie someone made up to give me a false sense of encouragement. This was assignment 8. We were to stick with our theme, of course, but this time we were to write a piece to go along with our image. Of course, the writing needed to be personalized, hand written, and thought out as an art piece itself in whatever way we saw fit. Very open criteria. I simply chose to pour my heart out onto homemade stationary. I'm glad prof didn't lecture me about this being more of a design after calling the drawing an "emblem," and the class pointed out the tattoo-ish look (someone even offered to pay me to do one...
the artwork, adventures, and aspirations of a master of none...